4.5 颗星,最多 5 颗星(基于 2 条评论)
Friendica(以前称为 Friendika,最初是 Mistpark)是一个开放、免费、分布式的社交网络。它构成了 Fediverse 的一部分,Fediverse 是一个由独立运行的服务器组成的互连和去中心化网络。
Friendica,软件本身,它是无贸易的。 Matomo仅在某些情况下自愿使用。 https://github.com/friendica/friendica/issues/9316
I just registered an account and it seems to me that friendica is trade-free. However the browser extensions Privacy Badger and uBlock Origin go a bit crazy, but that must be because of the content and the external links posted in the feed. I also found out with uBlock Origin, that friendica uses Matamo which is a powerful web analytics platform.