它是一个开源 JavaScript WebRTC 应用程序,可用于视频会议。可以共享桌面和演示文稿,只需一个链接即可邀请新成员参加视频会议。它可以通过下载应用程序或直接在浏览器中使用,并且与任何最近的浏览器兼容。每个用户都可以使用 Jitsi.org 服务器,也可以在基于 Linux 的机器上下载和安装服务器软件。 Jitsi Meet 的第一个关键特性是加密通信(安全通信):截至 2020 年 4 月,1-1 通话使用 P2P 模式,两个参与者之间通过 DTLS-SRTP 进行端到端加密。群组通话也使用 DTLS-SRTP 加密,但依赖 Jitsi Videobridge (JVB) 作为视频路由器,数据包在此临时解密。 Jitsi 团队强调“它们永远不会存储到任何持久存储中,并且只存在于内存中,同时被路由到会议中的其他参与者”,并且由于当前底层 WebRTC 技术的限制,这一措施是必要的。 Jitsi Meet 的第二个关键功能是无需安装新的客户端软件。
They link to their pages on trade-based networks (facebook, linkedin, twitter), to trade-based collaborative software (slack) and to trade-based app stores (Google Play and App Store from Apple) because they have an app for phones. uBlock origin also blocked “amplitude.com” which is a “Product Intelligence platform helping companies build better products”. These things are not that bad, but I want to mention them, because else it’s a great service! You don’t need an account or pay money or so. You can just use it directly in the browser. Do they collect data? Yes, but not to make a business out of that: “8×8 is not in the business of selling personal information to third parties. 8×8 uses this information to deliver the meet.jit.si service, to identify and troubleshoot problems with the meet.jit.si service, and to improve the meet.jit.si service. In addition, 8×8 may use this information to investigate fraud or abuse.” (https://jitsi.org/meet-jit-si-privacy/) So I’d give them 4/5 blocks.