izimpahla / izinsizakalo Isoftware ne-Hardware Labdoo 5.0 5.0 kuzinkanyezi ezi-5 (kusekelwe ekubuyekezweni okungu-1) Kuhle kakhulu100%Kuhle kakhulu0%Isilinganiso0%Mpofu0%Kuyesabeka0% Ngui-trom07/04/2024 Labdoo is a non-profit global platform where people around the world collaborate to bring Funda kabanzi
izimpahla / izinsizakalo Isoftware ne-Hardware Netzwerkstatt Aschaffenburg eV 5.0 5.0 kuzinkanyezi ezi-5 (kusekelwe ekubuyekezweni okungu-1) Kuhle kakhulu100%Kuhle kakhulu0%Isilinganiso0%Mpofu0%Kuyesabeka0% Ngui-trom05/04/2024 Computers have become an integral part of our world. Desktop PCs, laptops or even smartphones Funda kabanzi
izimpahla / izinsizakalo Isoftware ne-Hardware pcsfueralle.at 5.0 5.0 kuzinkanyezi ezi-5 (kusekelwe ekubuyekezweni okungu-1) Kuhle kakhulu100%Kuhle kakhulu0%Isilinganiso0%Mpofu0%Kuyesabeka0% Ngui-trom25/03/2024 Help instead of throwing away! Many people are unable to participate in the digital world and Funda kabanzi